Monday, August 31, 2015

Natural Fibers

Natural Fibers

History of the principal natural fibers used in textiles for apparel and home fashion

5,000+ BC
Generally considered to be the oldest natural textile fiber.
Fine linen was used as burial shrouds for the Egyptian pharaohs
Largest producer: Soviet States; other large producers include Poland, Germany, Belgium and France. Largest exporters are Northern Ireland and Belgium.

3,000+ BC
Earliest use estimated between 3,000 BC to 5,000 BC.
Worn by Egyptians earlier than 2,500 BC.
Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton gin in 1793 revolutionized the processing of cotton.
The development of the power loom in 1884 brought significant improvements and variations to cotton fabrics.
Major producers: United States, Soviet States, China and India. Lessor producers include Pakistan, Brazil, Turkey, Egypt, Mexico Iran and Sudan.

3,000 BC
Used by people of the Late Stone Age,
There are 40 different breeds of sheep, which produce approximately 200 types of wool of varying grades.
Major producers include: Australia, New Zealand, Soviet States, China, South Africa, and Argentina.

2,600 BC
Believed discovered by a Chinese princess.
Silk is made from two continuous filaments cemented together and used to form the cocoon of the silkworm.
Silk culture began about 1725 BC, sponsored by the wife of China's emperor.
Secrets of cultivation and fabric manufacturing were closely guarded by the Chinese for about 3,000 years.
There is a story that two monks smuggled seeds of the mulberry tree and silkworm eggs out of China by hiding them in their walking sticks.
India learned of silk culture when a Chinese princess married an Indian prince.
The major producer and exporter of silk is Japan.

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